Finally, a chartered accountant who speaks my language !

XSENS : Your Trilingual Chartered Accountants

Xsens: that's "X" as in eXpert, followed by the French word "sens," meaning "direction": Xsens will guide you wherever you wish to go!

The firm consists of two entities: Xsens Strasbourg, for chartered accountancy, and Xsens Audit, for statutory auditing. The combined firm offers a broad array of services, a rational approach, and a structure that puts people first.

Are you looking for a statutory auditor or a trilingual chartered accountant? Since 2016, Xsens has been a standard-setter in the field. Whether a small- or medium-size business (SMB), a small- or medium-size industry (SMI), a very small business (VSB), or an individual, you can count on Xsens. Founder Anne Mallinger, a statutory auditor and chartered accountant, is fluent in three languages: French, German, and English. She holds a degree in international and European taxation and a second in business.

Her extensive experience working for large chartered-accountancy firms has led her to consider each company's activities holistically and has given her a clear understanding of her clients' concerns and challenges.

Drawing on this multidisciplinary approach, Xsens covers all your needs: chartered accounting, taxation strategy, social strategy, statutory auditing, estate management, and more.

Xsens's specialty? Supporting and advising—in German or English—leaders of foreign companies seeking to set up shop in France or to expand their existing business activity there.

Based in Strasbourg, the firm is at the very heart of the European Union and its institutions. Yet its reach extends far beyond, for it has clients in Switzerland, the United States, and as far away as Asia.

Let's get to know one another!

Let's get to know one another!

A Trilingual Chartered Accountant at the Heart of Europe

Xsens's founder, Anne Mallinger, has long had a penchant for multiculturalism, as attested by her university degree in international and European taxation. A trilingual chartered accountant, she is well-versed in Germanic culture. Xsens is supported by an international network as well, formed over nearly 20 years.


Located on Strasbourg's Allée de la Robertsau, a stone's throw from the Council of Europe, the firm has a solid European footing. It also enjoys proximity with Germany and Switzerland and has achieved international recognition as well.

The firm caters to both professional and individual clients, German or English speakers alike. Whether you're the leader of a foreign firm hoping to set up shop in France, the CEO of a French firm seeking to expand its foreign subsidiaries, or an individual whose needs involve an international dimension, Xsens will put its savoir-faire to work for you.

The firm will help you manage your European and international challenges, taking into account the specific cultures and legal regulations at play.

Chartered accountancy, financial and statutory audits, payroll management, the creation and establishment of companies or subsidiaries—all our services are available in French, German, and English.

The firm also offers comprehensive counselling and follow up. The aim? To work alongside you as you bring your projects to fruition, and to guide you to success in all your endeavours.

Let's discuss your company's needs!

Xsens is at your service

A Chartered Accountancy in the European Network

Xsens's founder, Anne Mallinger, excels at working together with her clients and enjoys the support of a solid network of European experts.

She's a member of the Albo Euro-Consult Association, which strives to promote cooperation among European accounting and legal professionals. She also belongs to the German-French Business Club of the Upper Rhine (CAFA-RSO), a cross-border network of Upper-Rhine entrepreneurs, whose goal is to foster exchanges between German and French companies. Anne Mallinger is further involved in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry France Suisse (CCIFS), the foremost Franco-Swiss business network, which consists of companies engaged in mutual trade on either side of the border.

In France, Anne Mallinger is a member of the women's cooperative of chartered accountants Les Nouv’L Expertes, a consortium of independent accountancy firms promoting teamwork and knowledge sharing.

Thanks to its mastery of multicultural issues and solid network of experts, Xsens is a partner you can trust to help you achieve all your international goals.

What kind of project do you have in mind?

Xsens is at your service